
Dear Torrid

Addendum: I recently read an update on Big Fat Blog that features some comments made on Fatshionista regarding Torrid’s involvement in this show.  (I’ve had this post drafted elsewhere for a few days.) Apparently, they aren’t exactly sponsoring it, and their response to this commenter’s email  was thoughtful and even body-positive. I still have an issue with a plus size retailer signing on to a project like this, so my boycott still stands. 

I loved you once. My mom introduced you to me in the form of a grey and pink t-shirt that said “Appreciate Perfection”…with an arrow pointed towards my face. It was subtly saucy, just perfect with the strand of hot pink pearls I bought from you as well. I loved your shirts, your dresses, your adorable flats, and boots that actually zipped up my legs. It was a match made in heaven.

The wonderful honeymoon period was not to last, I fear. When I wrote my Fashion at Every Size post, I had a commenter who mentioned you, and I was sad that I’d not mentioned you and our love in the post. I even told everyone about the cute flats and dress I’d JUST ordered from you. And then…a bombshell from another commenter:

Just so you know, Torrid is now partnering with MTV to do casting calls for a new “boot camp” style weight loss reality show. So they’re about as far from fat-positive as a store that sells to fat girls can be.

I felt as if an icepick had been stuck into my fashion-loving soul. Torrid, the store I considered modeling for when the casting calls came around the country, the store I save money for when the clearance items are 50% off so I can snag great swag, has betrayed me. How could you? When you sold the “Appreciate Perfection” shirt, was that ONLY in reference to my face, as you asked about in your mass email? I always thought of that arrow pointing to me as a whole. Now I get it. Let’s take the attention off of my fat body, and let’s just focus on what I REALLY have to recommend me: my visage.

How disappointing. How disgusting. You are a store that caters to plus size women. Does this mean that if I still wanted to model for you, my curves and rolls are no longer appreciated? This is the ultimate betrayal. You think its okay to have a boot camp style show, that millions of little girls and young women are going to see, all in the hopes of becoming a model…and its sponsored by a store that CATERS TO PLUS SIZE WOMEN?! The cognitive dissonance…it burns.

But now I know what this is really about. Folks can model for you, but only if we are a certain kind of plus size, much like that MADE show I saw featuring y’all. At the time, I hadn’t been enlightened, so I figured that losing weight to model, even for a plus sized store, was par for the course. I now know much better, and I know that if folks want a good representation of what the clothes look like on them, they should be modeled on PEOPLE THAT LOOK LIKE THEM. Why can’t y’all be rebels and put women of varying degrees of fatness on y’alls site? Plus sized women come in different sizes, as do your clothes. But I recognize I’m asking way too much of y’all, as money is the name of the game, and if you were going to let fat women model, there would be no TV deal or advertising for y’all.

I won’t be shopping with y’all again. I’d send back the dress and flats, except I can’t return clearance items. I won’t be recommending y’all to anymore people, nothing. I’m done with y’all. Our relationship, our love, was pure and wonderful, but you have defiled the idea of body positivity by asking women with “pretty faces” to sweat and struggle in the name of a modeling contract. I’m appalled. And I’m done giving you my money. The name that was once sweet to speak has now turned bitter.


With deepest sorrow and disappointment,

The FashionableNerd

5 Responses to “Dear Torrid”

  1. 1 zeynepankara
    May 18, 2008 at 12:17 pm

    Hi. I am new here; just wanted to say hello. So hello! Zeynep xx

  2. 2 zeynepankara
    May 18, 2008 at 12:18 pm

    Where did my comment go???

  3. 3 daisy
    May 18, 2008 at 4:44 pm

    You give ’em hell honey….I think if it was me? I’d send them back the stuff anyway…tell them you aren’t interested in a refund….you just don’t want their crap anymore!!

  4. May 18, 2008 at 5:24 pm

    Heh. Zeynepankara, don’t worry about your comments disappearing (as well as anyone else who comments here!) I have comments moderation up, and I’ve decided it’s gonna be permanent. Basically, if you’re new here, you need either myself or my co-blogger to yank you out the comments filter. This is to ensure that the trolls don’t get through to the blog…if I or IntellectualFeminist decide that the comment is out of line, nobody sees it but us, and the troll goes the way of the delete button. Now I’ve yanked you out, you shouldn’t have any more problems. And welcome to the blog! 🙂

    And Daisy, trust me, I want all of my money back for that purchase. If I return it, I want my money! 😀 I may wear it, I may not. I don’t feel comfortable wearing it at this point, so if I just decide I don’t want it, I’ll donate it to charity so someone else can. I did snag some great stuff from Lane Bryant today (hence it taking so long for me to yank y’all out the filter). Great sale: panties 5 for $25, and they had dresses on sale too. Go give THEM y’alls money and leave the Torrid alone!

  5. 5 Godless Heathen
    May 18, 2008 at 5:42 pm

    I decided not to buy anything from Torrid once I learned that they don’t go up to a size 30 in their clothes. Actually, I decided not to buy from any retailer that doesn’t go up to a size 30, even though I can put a 22/24 pant or skirt on. This has been a bit painful for me, as I love Baby Phat gear, but I’m so damn tired of having to fight with the sales people over “maybe it will fit, just try it on” when I know for damn certain that it never will.

    So Torrid can kiss my fat ass anyway.

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